Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde

Journée mondiale du lavage des mains 2020


La Journée Mondiale du lavage des mains est célébrée chaque année le 15 octobre. Il s’agit de promouvoir les enjeux liés à l’hygiène et au lavage des mains au savon comme un moyen efficace et abordable de prévenir et propager les maladies.

Dans le cadre de la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19), le lavage des mains est plus vital que jamais. Mais il reste hors de portée pour des  milliards de personnes qui n’ont pas accès à de l’eau propre et du savon.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques activités pour l’occasion : 

  • Webinair de l’USAID « Twenty Seconds that Saves Lives and Economies: Handwashing and Water in a Time of COVID-19 » – October 14, 2020 – 9 am-10:30 am EDT (New York Time) 
    Without reliable access to water billions of people are unable to heed the advice of public health officials to wash their hands to prevent COVID-19 spread. Please save the date for a Global Handwashing Day-themed event on October 14, featuring Acting USAID Administrator John Barsa and Global Water Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Administrator Jennifer Mack. The event will highlight the importance of handwashing, the challenges facing the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector, and USAID’s WASH response to the pandemic.
    Invited speakers from the World Bank, Sanitation and Water for All, and other global partners will join USAID leadership and mission representatives as they discuss efforts to fight the current pandemic and set the stage for a lasting and equitable expansion of access to water and hygiene systems.
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  • Global Handwashing Day – Accelerating Towards Hand Hygiene for All: The event calls for all of society to contribute towards hand hygiene through country roadmaps, increased investments, and other commitments that can be monitored to achieve hand hygiene for all. The event will be held Thursday 15th October, from 12:00PM – 1:30PM UTC. Please register for the event here: Register for Global Handwashing day here
  • The Handwashing Thursday Series: Hosted by the Global Handwashing Partnership, this learning series will meet every Thursday from 22nd October – 17th December and will discuss various topics from the new Handwashing Handbook. The new handbook will be a go-to resource, presenting best practices and new concepts to improve the uptake of handwashing. Please register for all or some of the series here: Register for the Handwashing Thursday series here
  • Virtual Conference on Hand Hygiene from 12-15 October 2020: Hosted by UNICEF in partnership with SWA, WHO, FANSA, WSSCC, WaterAid, Plan International. This series of events will be a great opportunity for the sector to come together to discuss handwashing across Asia and the Pacific regions and look at how as a sector we can contribute to ensuring that everyone everywhere washes their hands. Please register for all or some events here: Register for the Hand Hygiene conference here

Plus d’informations sur la fiche 2020 du Global HandWashing partnership


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