Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde

Joint French messages for the kick-off meeting for the 7th Word Water Forum held on 14 and 15 May in Daegu-Gyonbuk

Update 2015-04-02


A 21-member French delegation (Coalition Eau, pS-Eau, Suez environnement, Veolia Environnement, SIAAP, AFD, OIEAU, City of Marseille, Ministry of Agriculture, IME, ASTEE, EDF, ACF, FWP and two experts) will attend the Daegu-Gyeonbuk kick-off meeting on 14 and 15 May, bringing together senior Korean authorities, representatives of the World Water Council and other key international water personalities.

This kick-off will be an opportunity for French stakeholders to emphasise the need for the achievements made at previous Forums to be promoted at the 2015 Forum, notably those from Marseille in 2012. Defining political, regional and thematic processes, innovation and technology will be at the heart of the discussions in a particularly relevant Asian context.

A collective position has been taken by the French stakeholders based on consultations with all FWP members. This position was officially transmitted to the two Co-Chairs of the Daegu-Gyeonbuk Forum, Mr Ben Braga, President of the World Water Council and Mr Soon Tak Lee, a senior Korean official.

The French position will be presented at the kick-off meeting through a message from the Minister, Mrs Delphine Batho, and a speech by Mr Guy Fradin.

Consult : Contributions of the FWP to the WWF7

Program of the Kick off meeting
