About the FWP
The French Water Partnership (FWP – Partenariat Français pour l’Eau – PFE), a non-profit association governed by the French law on associations of 1901, is a muti-actor platform which works on conveying key messages about water resources on the international level.
The FWP, along with its partners from other countries, participates in many international forums and events such as World Water Forums, World Water Days and events related to sustainable development (Rio+20 Conference). It is also present in other forums and events where topics concerning water are an essential component (agriculture, energy, health, etc.).
This platform brings together French water stakeholders who intervene internationally: Ministries, NGOs, businesses, local authorities, watershed-based organisations, and scientific and technical organisations.
The FWP was created on 22 March 2007 for World Water Day by 33 founding members and is the product of their desire to make their united voice heard with key messages from France and to share their expertise at international debates.
The FWP has existed legally as an independent association since 11 July 2012; it currently has over 200 members.
Consult the FWP’s brochure: FWP Brochure