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World Water Forum
Bali 2024

Freshwater biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions

Biodiversity is essential to support the functions needed for all life forms. It provides raw materials, helps maintain the quality of water, air and soil and serves as a highly valuable form of cultural heritage. The need to reconcile human development with the preservation of natural environments is now generally accepted by all actors. However, biodiversity – especially aquatic biodiversity – is severely threatened. Over a few decades, rapid land development and the expansion of industries and intensive farming have altered these environments through the loss of natural shorelines, the distribution of contaminants in ecosystems and increased pressure on water resources. Preserving aquatic ecosystems is not only a clearly stated environmental issue but also a public health issue as well as an economic and social one.





Using the EU Water Framework Directive as a benchmark, the members of the French Water Partnership call upon the international community to act in favor of a high quality of water and aquatic ecosystems and:


  1. Support the implementation of the Convention on Biological Biodiversity, the aim of which is to:
  • Restore the healthy ecological status of aquatic environments.
  • Stop the loss of wild and domestic biodiversity.
  • Restore and maintain its ability to evolve.
  • Induce each signatory country to develop a national strategy for biodiversity


2. Support for research to improve knowledge of biodiversity and an appeal to environmental engineering as a technically mature solution. The acquisition of new knowledge on how ecosystems operate and the interactions between ecosystems is needed to increase mastery of this knowledge and expand environmental engineering, which is a field of engineering for and by the living.


3. Identifying and implementing sustainable funding and incentive mechanisms such as payment for ecosystem services based on voluntary arrangements between suppliers and purchasers and the financial support based on usage-based payment administered by water agencies at the basin level.




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