Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde

About the French Water Partnership

The French Water Partnership (FWP – Partenariat Français pour l’Eau – PFE), a non-profit association governed by the French law on associations of 1901, is a muti-actor platform which works on conveying key messages about water resources on the international level.

Advocacy and multi-stakeholder expertise for water: our DNA 


The French Water Partnership (FWP) is the key platform for French public, private and associative water stakeholders active on the international stage. For over 15 years, it has been advocating on an international level to improve the way water-related issues are taken into account in various actions and policies, and promoting exchanges between French know-how and that of other countries.

The FWP aims to publicize and promote the French expertise to water management on an international level: an approach that is unique in that it is resolutely multi-stakeholder, and has remained innovative since it was first introduced in France in the 1960s.

Today, the FWP brings together some 200 members, who represent the very essence of water management in France. These members are grouped into the following 6 constituencies:

  1. The Government and its public bodies;
  2. NGOs, associations and foundations;
  3. Local authorities and members of parliament;
  4. Economic stakeholders;
  5. Research and training institutions;
  6. French and foreign individuals.

The FWP operates on a collaborative and democratic basis, with no single category of member taking precedence over another.

Together, FWP members develop common messages shared by all constituencies and promote them in European and international fora such as the United Nations, the European Union, World Water Fora and Stockholm World Water Weeks.


 (c) Ludovic Piron


All FWP actions are funded by its members, with an equitable distribution between public and private stakeholders. They support our work: