Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde
World Water Forum
Bali 2024

Who are we?

The French Water Partnership (FWP – Partenariat Français pour l’Eau – PFE), a non-profit association governed by the French law on associations of 1901, is a muti-actor platform which works on conveying key messages about water resources on the international level.



The French Water Partnership is the only platform that represents all the French water stakeholders, public and private, who operate at an international level. For over 15 years, the FWP has been pushing for water to become a real priority in sustainable development policies worldwide.  The FWP also acts as a facilitator for exchanges between French and international water know-how. 

The FWP’s mission is also to globally showcase France’s level, expertise and approach to water management. The French approach is a unique one: it actively involves multiple stakeholders and has continued to remain cutting-edge since it was introduced in France in the 1960s.

The FWP currently includes about two hundred members from the water sector, including public and private stakeholders who reflect the nature of water management in France. These stakeholders belong to the six following panels: 

  1. The government and its public institutions 
  2. NGOs, associations, and foundations 
  3. Regional authorities and parliamentarians 
  4. Economic stakeholders 
  5. Research and training institutes 
  6. Private French and foreign individuals 


The FWP carries out its activities in a collaborative and democratic manner, without any of its members taking priority over the others. 

Together, the members of the FWP develop common, consensus-based messages and promote them in European and international bodies and networks such as the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Union, and the United NationsThey also communicate their ideas at events such as the Conventions on Climate Change, the World Water Forums, and the World Water Week conferences in Stockholm.



 (c) Ludovic Piron



All the FWP’s activities are funded by its members, in an equitable manner by public and private stakeholders. 

Our actions are made possible with the support of the following members:  



The FWP coordinates several working groups that focus on the water sector. These multi-stakeholder groups publish reference documents that provide wide-reaching expertise on issues that are intrinsically linked to water: the climate, Sustainable Development Goals, food safety, availability of clean water and sanitation, energy, sustainable cities, and more. 

To match the pace of current developments, the FWP is heavily involved in the field of climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. The FWP works tirelessly to ensure that water is given the attention it deserves in the context of these two overarching themes.  

The FWP developed the international campaign #climateiswater during the COP21, which mobilized major global climate stakeholders for the very first time to demand greater visibility for water-related issues in climate negotiations and at the Conference of the Parties (COP) organized each year by the United Nations.

The FWP also made its mark by publishing a document to monitor the indicators approved in 2015 for the 2015-2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Proper monitoring of these indicators is essential to the effective implementation of the SDGs, including the Water Goal SDG added in 2015. 



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Find out more about our multi-stakeholder governance
