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World Water Forum
Bali 2024

Emergency, reconstruction and development

Preventing and responding to water-related crises: from Emergency to Reconstruction and Development


In fragile states, the maintenance of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services is crucial for the health of populations (by limiting the spread of water-borne diseases such as diarrheal diseases, cholera, etc.) and for ensuring stability. Today, humanitarian and development actors agree that they must work more together to guarantee the continuity of services in these complex contexts. 

Many French players are involved in these issues. The State and several of its public establishments, the private sector, various large foundations, local authorities, NGOs, research institutes have broad expertise in these contexts. 

In 2018, the French government announced that “France wants to be at the forefront of the transformation movement that today drives the humanitarian world”, and “will contribute to the implementation of the humanitarian-development nexus, will reform its system in accordance with the Grand Bargain guidelines”. It also put the WASH sector (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) among the priorities of its international cooperation by developing its first water and sanitation strategy 2019-2021. 

In response to these new dynamics, the PFE’s WASH, Crises and Fragilities working group was created to offer the multi-stakeholder platform dedicated to WASH in fragile contexts. The objective is to increase synergies between actors and potentially increase the performance of the sector on selected themes. To do so, members can: 

  • Share and enhance their expertise (communication, knowledge sharing, events, etc.) 
  • Carry out advocacy activities with an international focus (and France to a certain extent) 
  • Better coordinate their actions in connection with WASH in fragile contexts (research, partnerships, etc.) 

Members et contributors

Solidarités International, Action contre la Faim, Secours Islamique France, Première Urgence, Medair, Electriciens sans frontières, la Fondation Veolia, Aquassistance, l’Institut Bioforce, Groupe URD, le SIAAP, la Mairie de Paris, les six agences de l’eau françaises, … 

Strategic documents of the working group

Actions in progress 

  • 2021 working group meetings : 9 March 2021, 8 June 2021, 7 September 2021, 7 December 2021
  • Listing of WASH events, webinars and trainings (living document)
  • Listing and reviews of new WASH technologies (living document)
  • Funding and donors for WASH in fragile contexts (TOR)

WASH in emergencies: stay informed:

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