Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde
World Water Forum
Bali 2024

Sign the Call to Action of the WASH Road Map actors

Update 2023-01-24

Dear active Members of FWP, actors of the humanitarian WASH sector, 


As you are well aware, the United Nations 2023 Water Conference will take place in March in New York City. The last edition of this conference was over 40 years ago, this is thus a decisive opportunity to voice sector messages and to recall that the achievement of SDGs can only be done by not forgetting Fragile, Conflict and Violent settings (FCV), where 26% of the global population lives.


Ahead of the UN23WC, it is now or never that WASH in Fragile, Conflict and Violent settings can be brought on the agenda of the conference so humanitarian WASH responses can be of better quality, at scale, anytime, and anywhere. To allow that, active actors in this sector have constructed the first ever 

Call To Action for resilient and survival WASH, 

to push for five specific demands directed to UN Member States and to be signed by any organization, may they be active in (humanitarian) WASH or not.


By clicking on this link, you will discover the CTA, its signatories, and follow-up opportunities your organization may take part in, to make this Water Conference more effective than the last one.


Let’s join our forces and use the momentum! The first milestone to reach is 200 signatoriescan you help us get there? Transfer this email to your network, share CTA resources and use the hashtag #ActionForWASH!  


For the sake of our beneficiaries, together, let’s make the UN23WC fruitful for humanitarian WASH!