A reinforced participation of French stakeholders at the 2013 World Water Week in Stockholm (1 to 7 September)
Update 2015-04-02
Reinforcing the presence of French stakeholders at international events entails more active participation by them at the World Water Week in Stockholm. The French Water Partnership has been working in this direction for 2013:
– Together with ONEMA, UNESCO IHP and AGWA, it will organise a side event on Thursday 5 September 2013 (12.45-1.45 pm) on the question of how the uncertainties surrounding climate change affect water resource management.
This one-hour session will highlight needs and set the stage for the creation of a science-policy interface aimed at supporting exchanges and good communication to facilitate the implementation of strategies for adapting to climate change in planning and water management.
This session, which is designed for water managers, scientists and users to create a multi-stakeholder dialogue, is in line with the objective of making contributions to the United Nations Climate Talks;
Each year, the World Water Week in Stockholm brings together scientists and economists from the English-speaking world to discuss questions such as urbanisation, climate change, food safety, green growth, innovation, etc.
The thematic scope of the 2013 Week will be “Water Cooperation – building partnerships”.
To know more about the side event : WWW13 side event communication
Learn more about the World Water Week here :