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World Water Forum
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Following the steps of the World Water Forum of Marseille : strenghtening water governance

Update 2015-04-05

On 27 and 28 March, 2013, the OECD organised an international conference on water governance that was attended by the FWP and its members (Veolia Environnement, Suez Environnement, ASTEE, OIEAU, AFD and Coalition Eau).


This conference was an opportunity to pursue the work programme on this topic laid down at the Marseille World Water Forum in 2012 and to renew international efforts for improved water governance.


The conference dealt with the following subjects :


the OECD initiative on water governance;


– national reforms on water governance;


– the challenges of water governance in the context of heavy urbanisation, notably in developing countries;


– reforms in terms of water governance in rural areas, the connection between cities and rural areas, and the role played by the decentralisation of water services and local authorities.


The participants at the conference decided to pursue the work initiated at the 2012 Forum and to work together to :


  1. make joint contributions to the OECD’s programme on water governance;
  2. collaborate in implementing the governance goals drawn up at Marseille in view of the upcoming World Water Forum in South Korea;
  3. contribute to the creation of an international water governance observatory to collect innovative tools and success stories on an international level;
  4. implement a water governance web portal to forge links and to identify existing web platforms on water governance, tools, methodologies and programmes around the world.


The aim is to provide policy orientations and recommendations for improved water governance, notably in the context of the year of international cooperation in the field of water and the elaboration of future worldwide sustainable development goals.


Find out more with the :


Initiative of the Word Water Forum of Marseille 2012 on water governance


Rapport of the OCDE on the Water Governance



