Overall moderation: Franz Rojas, Development Bank of Latin America and World Water Council Task Force on Financing Water for All
Brief welcoming/opening remarks
Marie-Laure Vercambre, Director-general, French Water Partnership
Franz Rojas, Development Bank of Latin America, World Water Council Task Force on Financing Water for All
Setting the stage
Blended finance for water-related investments : A brief introduction by Kathleen Dominique, OECD
PART 1: Sharing case studies and perspectives
CASE STUDY 1: How can blended finance structure private ecosystems for the delivery of water and sanitation services?
- Clément Frenoux, French Development Agency
CASE STUDY 2: Leveraging blended finance to scale up WASH social businesses
- Julien Ancele, CEO, 1001fontaines
- Aart van den Beukel, Safi Sana
CASE STUDY 3: Blended finance for Nature-based Solutions to achieve water security: the case of Cape Town
- Louise Stafford, Africa Funds Director, The Nature Conservancy
PART 2: Interactive, parallel, and thematic break-out groups
BREAK-OUT GROUP 1: Scaling-up blended finance for water-related investments by strengthening the enabling environment at country level (1) : Policy and regulatory considerations
- Moderator: Almotaz Abadi, UfM Water
- Rapporteur: Chris Severin, Global Environment Facility (tbc)
BREAK-OUT GROUP 2: Scaling-up blended finance for water-related investments by strengthening the enabling environment at country level (2) : capacity building, knowledge, and stakeholder coordination and mobilization
- Moderator: Julien Ancele, CEO, 1001fontaines
- Rapporteur: Brieux Michoud, Waterpreneurs
BREAK-OUT GROUP 3: Scaling-up blended finance for water-related investments : The way forward to improve investment conditions and attract more commercial finance
- Moderator: Chris Clubb, Convergence Finance
- Rapporteur: Kathleen Dominique, Financing water OECD
Main outcomes / wrap-up and concluding remarks
- Moderator: Franz Rojas, Development Bank of Latin America and World Water Council Task Force on Financing Water for All
Final remarks from co-convenors
End of session