The FWP has participated in SDSN’s consultation on Sustainable Development Goals
Update 2015-09-10
Launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in August 2012, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes scientific and technical expertise from academia, civil society, and the private sector in support of sustainable development problem solving at local, national, and global scales. It has been working to develop a set of indicators for the SDGs for over a year, and has launched a new global consultation on its draft report, “Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the SDGs”.
The French water stakeholders, reunited within the French Water Partnership, have replied to this consultation. We support most of SDSN propositions of indicators for water, in particular the use of “safely-managed water services” and “safely-managed sanitation services”.
However, we believe that some important issues are not covered by SDSN propositions as core indicators, such as: Hygiene, Faecal sludge treatment, Safe Reuse of wastewater, physical water efficiency, Integrated Water Ressource Management (IWRM), and Biodiversity protection.
The members of the French Water Partnership offer their own suggestions of specific, measurable and currently in use indicators for the Water Goal and its links with other Goals.
To discover our work, please read our Comparison of indicators (SDSN/UN WATER/FWP), and our Post-2015 Agenda Technical Document that explains our choice of indicators.