The COP21 takes place in Paris from November 30 to December 11. You will have the opportunity to meet the French Water Partnership team and members, and follow our updated Twitter feed.
The French Water Partnership’s activities
- Come and meet us at the COP21: download our list of events at COP21
- Get to know our members and the activities of other water actors on climate: read the general water & climate agenda at the COP21. It is mainly in French as the participants will debate a lot in this language.
- You can also read our experts’ productions on how water issues are involved in the countries’ strategies to fight climate change – or INDCs.
- Take a look at our solutions. The French Water Partnership gathers solutions implemented by its members to fight climate change – including adaptation and mitigation strategies :
#Climateiswater, how to get water on the international agenda
The French Water Partnership takes part to a global initiative fostering water issue in climate agenda.
Under the hashtag #Climateiswater, water community intends to join forces to elevate the recognition for water within climate change discussions during COP21 and upcoming international events.
As an active member of international water community, the French Water Partnership participates in its steering committee on a regular basis.
In this framework the FWP organizes on December 2 a day on Water & Climate at the COP21 with a specific focus on adaptation and resilience issues. Read more
If you want to know more…
Here’s an infographic film exposing facts & figures to show what is at stake for water and climate today:
What are the core messages of the members of the French Water Partnership?
The agreement reached during COP21 must incorporate water as a central component of adaptation and water must be treated as fundamental to the allocation of climate funding.
In order to do this, the following is required at the UNFCC negociations’ level :
- The agreement resulting from COP 21 must include an “adaptation” component equal to that on “mitigation”. The water sector must be at the heart of the vast majority of the actions proposed for adaptation and be included in those for mitigation.
- This agreement must take into account the urgency of dealing with the aggravation of the major risks associated with water (especially droughts and floods) in regions that are already affected.
- Significant international funding, in particular via the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund, must be earmarked for the water sector by the international community, in order to support the poorest, most threatened regions of the planet. Donors should incorporate the development of long-term resilience programs as a criteria for ODA funding, whith relevant resilience indicator.
For makers of climate and water at all levels:
- Water should be part of strategies and policies on climate at regional, national, and local levels. For example in the National Plans of Adaptation to Climate Change (PNAs) or Mitigation Measures Appropriate Action Plans to the National Scale (NAMAs).
- Climate change must be addressed by water policymakers at regional, national, basin and local levels in their strategies and integrated water resource management policies.
- Water must be included in plans and measures for preventing risks and responding to natural hazards in order to protect the most at-risk populations.
- The water and climate knowledge needs to be strengthened at the local level particularly in developing countries, water resources planning tools should be revised accordingly.
Strengthening the dialogue between scientists and climatologists including policy makers, decision makers and between climate and makers in charge of water management at all levels.
Main actions of the FWP and its members for the COP 21
- The various water stakeholders possess extensive experiences in adaptation and mitigation. The French Water Partnership has identified many positive actions of French actors operating in France and beyond, which can feed the UN Agenda of solutions set up for for the COP 21 as well as databases.
- The French Water Partership is currently working on the definition of climate compatible projects for the water community which can provide guidelines for the selection and development of actions to policy makers and funders (Climate Fund, development banks, private funds etc °).
- If water issues are to be considerend central in climate negotiations, the international Water community should unite gather forces for a “WATER DAY during COP 21 on the Bourget site, Village of Solutions. Communications to the public regarding the risks associated with water will be organize at the Grand Palais.
- A wide communication campaign on the French expertise and the water climate link is about to be launched by the French Water Partnership and its partners.