Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde
World Water Forum
Bali 2024

cop26 session: Scaling up Nature-based Solutions for adaptation to climate change 


Date   Heure   Pavilion   Event   Language

Thursday November 4


Glasgow : 15:30 – 17h GMT

Paris : 16:30 – 18h CET


Water Pavilion zone D – PV64

Link to connect








How to participate:

On site: Water Pavilion, situated in zone D, Pavilion 64 (within the permitted limits). Download the map here.

Online: Follow the session live on the Water Pavilion website. If you experience any difficulties to access the link, we suggest you to open it on Chrome browser. You can also follow the live on the Water Pavilion youtube channel. 

You can follow the replay on the Water Pavilion YouTube channel on this link (available the following day).


Climate change primarily affects water with unpredictable rainfall patterns, aquatic ecosystems degradation, altered river flows, sea level rise-induced salinization of coastal groundwater, more frequent and intense floods and droughts. Water-related disasters represent about 90% of all natural disasters.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are effective no-regret measures that can help address this challenge of climate change adaptation. Now that the IUCN global standard for Nature-based Solution has been made public, this session will present case studies of Nature-based Solutions that were implemented because of their climate change adaptation benefits.



  • Eric Tardieu, Director General, International Office for Water (OiEau)


  • Gena Gammie, Deputy Chief of Party, Natural Infrastructure for Water Security, Forest Trends, Peru
  • Camille Flore Sandjong, Portfolio Coordinator, KWF, Cameroon
  • Tamara Kutonova, Regional Coordinator, GEF Project in the transboundary river basin of the Dniester, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
  • Louise Bingham, Environmental Consultant, Arup, United Kingdom
  • David Hetherington, Associate “Environment and Sustainability”, Arup, United Kingdom
  • Dan Lert, Deputy Mayor of Paris and President of Eau de Paris, France

Master of ceremony:

  • Dr James Dalton – Director, Global Water Programme – International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Convening organizations and partners:


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