Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde
World Water Forum
Bali 2024

High Level Political Forum 2018

09 ● 18.07.2018

Host : United Nations

Dates : 9- 18 juillet 2018

Venue : New York, USA

HLPF2018 website

Presentation of HLPF

Once a year, key figures gather at the United Nations to give an annual update of SDG progress at the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) and share good practices for implementing SDGs. The HLPF takes place each July in New York to generate recommendations on how to implement the agenda and follow it up, to evaluate progress made to date, and address any current issues.

The HLPF will be held at regular intervals: 

  • Every year under the auspices of ECOSOC: a different theme will be chosen each year and the status of a certain number of SDGs will be reviewed.
  • Every four years at the United Nations General Assembly: Heads of State will provide an overview of all the SDGs.

It generally lasts 8 days and features:   

  • Technical sessions during the first 5 days, which analyze the theme of the year, and undertake a detailed review of 5 or 6 SDGs.  
  • A 3-day ministerial segment: several countries volunteer to present the state of play of their progress in the form of a Voluntary National Review (VNR). A ministerial declaration is also adopted following the ministerial segment.

Each country now has the task of applying the SDGs internally, tracking progress that is made every year, and reporting back to the HLPF. They will provide a series of international indicators that will then be rolled out at the regional and national levels. A UN agency is responsible for each indicator.

2018 Edition

This year’s political Forum is exceptional for the global water community because it will put a special focus on SDG 6 on water. Countries attending will therefore explain what measures they have put in place to reach the Goal.

2018 THEME: Tranformation towards sutainable and resilient cities

SDG in focus in 2018 : 6. Water and sanitation ; 7. Energy ; 11 Sutainable cities, 12. Sustainable production and consumption, 14. Biodiversity and 17. Global partnership. 


Discover our messages with three main expectations for this HLPF2018
  • Recognize the crucial role played by water in reaching all SDGs
  • Etablish international water governance
  • Establish the means to successfully implement and monitor SDGs

Read more about our political messages here


The French Water Partnership has also been invited by France to speak out during the SDG 6 Official Session. Find out about its intervention here



The French Water Partnership is at the initiative of the collective campaign #HLPF4Water, giving “water awareness” logo free tools for the international community to share during the High Level Political Forum. This campaign consists of short videos for social networks with key figures reminding of the main water challenges. Take part in this campaign, spread the word on water by sharing and downloading these videos! The campaign is taking place on Twitter from the 2nd to 18th of July, until the end of the HLPF.  All information and instructions to join the campaign are available here : On this page, find out the details of our mobilization efforts and our digital campaign kit for water at HLPF2018



The FWP is also involved in the organization of an event co-covened by the governments of France, Mali, Zambia, with Action Against Hunger, Water Aid, UNICEF and the World Bank on the links between health, nutrition, water and sanitation. This event will take place on the 10th of july from 6.30-8PM. Find out more with the flyer below. 



The World Water Council (WWC) will host a booth on the HLPF premises’ first floor. FWP publications and videos will be shared there. Come and meet us there and discover our latest work on SDG :

“Acting for water in the Sustainable Development Goals – French solutions “ – is a practical guide adressed to a general audience presenting active solutions by French water stakeholders designed to reach the targets linked to water within the SDGs. It was revealed to the public during the 8th World Water Forum.

and all our other SDG publication on our website, available here. 

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