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Call for Abstracts – Smart Water Management Case Studies Report 

Mise à jour 27.09.17

As part its joint project with K-water, IWRA is currently seeking abstract submissions of Smart Water Management (SWM) case studies (2-4 pages) from around the world.  From those abstracts provided, a selection will be made representing a broad cross-section of geographies, technologies and scales.


Those selected will be asked to provide a more detailed case study of around 50 pages, for inclusion in a K-water/ IWRA report on SWM and its benefits for sustainable development.  A variety of cases will also be selected for possible presentation at events such as the Korea & Asia International Water Weeks, the XVII World Water Congress, and the 8th World Water Forum.  Abstracts not selected for full write-up may still be included in the report to highlight examples of similar case studies where there is overlap.  The Call for Abstracts is open until August 31st, 2017.


What is Smart Water Management?


At a time when data is part of people’s everyday lives, SWM is set to be at the core of any contemporary integrated water resource management strategy.  SWM projects use information and communication technology (ICT) to create innovative solutions to water management challenges including droughts, floods, irrigation, water quality, water quantity, wastewater recycling and much more.


For more information and specific details on these case studies please access the Terms of Reference by clicking here.  


Any related queries should be sent to Stephanie Kuisma: