Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde
World Water Forum
Bali 2024



To mark World Water Day and its 10th anniversary, on 15 March 2017 the French Water Partnership, a platform featuring public and private water stakeholders, and the French Ministry for the Environment, Energy and the Sea, jointly organized a workshop on water. Producers, journalists, students, science-fiction writers and water experts took part. 

During the space of the morning, citizens and experts together pinpointed 7 challenges for water connected to the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the universal roadmap for sustainable development that all countries should apply by 2030.

This day of exchanges was an occasion to highlight interconnections between the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, illustrate the partnership dimension of the goals, raise awareness and communicate about water issues in the 2030 Agenda, and think outside the box.  



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