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World Water Forum
Bali 2024

COP24 on Climate – Katowice, Poland

03 ● 14.12.2018

Dates: 3-14 December 2018

Venue: Katowice international conference center (Międzynarodowe Centrum Kongresowe), Poland

COP24 Presidency: polish government, represented by Michał Kurtyka – State Secretary in the Ministry of Energy in Poland

High level climate champions: Tomasz Chruszczow (Poland) et Inia Seruiratu (Fidji Islands)


Download our conclusions here


Also discover our “COP24 highlights” video:


Learn more on the FWP’s activities at the COP24 here 

This document includes the FWP’s programme, keys to understanding water and climate issues and french solutions

Follow the news of COP24 throughout the two weeks of negotiations on our live page.


The COP24 at Katowice promises to be a major summit since COP21, as one of its objectives will be to adopt decisions guaranteeing the full implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, which will enter into force in 2020. All decisions relating to the climate efforts of the international community (transparency, accountability, etc.) as well as the assessment and revision of national commitments (monitoring, reporting, etc.) will be compiled in a “RULEBOOK” or “KATOWICE RULES“.

The most difficult points of negotiation promise to be those relating to DIFFERENTIATION (whereby each country is required to make efforts depending on its economic capacities and its responsibilities), to ADAPTATION and to FUNDING.

At the COP21, the countries had committed to publish a new version of their NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONS (NDCs) every 5 years from 2020 onwards.

From 2023, to facilitate this revision, a global assessment of NDCs will be conducted every 5 years to assess whether the collective effort made is in line with the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. A first prefiguration of this NDC review was launched in 2018 as part of the facilitative dialogue.

The Fijian Presidency has renamed this process the TALANOA DIALOGUE at the COP23 in reference to a traditional Fijian discussion mode aiming at resolving tensions – with the objective to “share stories, build empathy to make wise decisions for the collective good.” 

As part of this dialogue, throughout 2018 all state and non-state actors were invited to answer 3 questions: « where are we? Where do we want to go? And how to we get there?”. The answers provided should make it possible to agree at COP24 on first tangible steps to take stock of the progress made.






Detailed programmes:


We also invite you to discover the events of interest at the COP24 identified by the FWP here.



The FWP will be present in the exhibition area (booth n°99) from Tuesday 4 December to Friday 14 December.




During the whole COP, the FWP will be active online everyday on twitter.

Regular progress reviews of the negotiations and short videos will be presented on the “live” page of the FWP during the 2 weeks.

To find photos of the COP, we invite you to visit our Flickr account.



To prepare this COP, we invite you to download:

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