Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde

A collective French voice at the World Water Council’s Board of Governors meeting in Seoul on 12 and 13 May

Update 2015-04-02


The Board of Governors  is a strategic event for World Water Forums. It is also an opportunity for many exchanges with influential representatives of the international world of water.

Four French governors sit on the Board with their alternates, a Frenchman serves as an alternate for a foreign governor, and the city of Marseille holds a seat ex officio.

At the initiative of the President of the French Water Partnership, working with the President of the Cercle Français de l’Eau, collective preparation including the French Board members was implemented for these meetings in the second half of 2012. This preparation has given rise to shared talking points whose strategic objectives are to:

– Contribute to making the World Water Council a veritable think tank based France and capable of making contributions developed within the framework of the preparations for the Forums and highlighting their results at official international forums;

– Ensure that the World Water Council constitutes a common thread running between Forums so that the achievements of each Forum may be taken into account as effectively as possible in the following Forums.


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