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Join #HLPF4Water – A collective campaign to put water at the heart of HLPF2018!

Update 2018-07-06

The High Level Political Forum in charge of observing SDG progress will take place from 9 to 18th of July 2018. The focus is on water this year! #HLPF4Water is a collective campaign to make the international water community voice heard during this crucial event. Join us and spread the word with free water awareness material !


Click here for French version 


Why #HLPF4Water?

Water is one of the 17 priorities identified by the United Nations in its 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) programme.

This year, water will be one of the special focuses of the High Level Political Forum – HLPF ( 9-18th of July 2018), in charge of giving an annual update of SDG progress and share good practices for implementing SDGs. It’s a unique opportunity for the world to get together and remind the key state representatives present of what is at stake for water!

What does it consist in?

#HLPF4Water is meant as a collective campaign, giving tools for the international water community’s voice to be heard throughout the HLPF event and beyond. It is composed of a #HLPF4Water “key figures” kit, available in English and French for free download. This includes 13 short videos (30 seconds) on a variety of subjects linked to water (sanitation, pollution, cities, energy, biodiversity, etc) calling for action during the HLPF. Banners are also available. The campaign starts today and will be carried out on Twitter until the 18th of July, end of the HLPF.

What part can you play?

A big part! You can choose to :

  • Add the #HLPF4Water banner to your email and communications
  • Use the hashtag #HLPF4Water on Twitter when talking about water or your experience at the HLPF
  • Upload the #HLPF4Water videos on your Youtube channel, Twitter or Facebook pages
  • Follow the French Water Partnership on Twitter @PFE_FWP and retweet and share the videos it will post every day from 2nd to 18th of July during the campaign

All material is downloadable for free here – available in English and French


The origin of #HLPF4Water

The French Water Partnership, which represents all public and private French water stakeholders, thought of this campaign when they were at the 8th World Water Forum in March 2018 in Brasilia. All the international partners gathered there already awaited the HLPF of July, hoping it would bear positive results for water, given its focus on the matter.
Even though the #HLPF4Water campaign is initiated by the French Water Partnership, the intent is for everyone to be able to use it freely within their own networks to convey their own messages on global water issues and contribute to the collective movement. It is solely directed towards water challenges in an effort to fuel action on the topic. Institutional logos are not present – giving all the spotlight to what really matters.

Check out the #HLPF4Water mobilization video made with testimonies of international partners in Brasilia : “Together let’s act for water”!

HLPF4Water material

All material is downloadable for free here – available in English and French


#HLPF4Water mobilization video

An inspiring #HLPF4Water mobilization video made with the testimonies of international partners in Brasilia launches the campaign. Let’s make our collective voice be heard! Feel free to share!


#HLPF4Water banner

Add the #HLPF4Water banner to your email and communications!


#HLPF4Water challenges video kit

Download and upload on your Youtube channel, Twitter or Facebook pages

Get inspired!

These organizations are also on the move to power up water visibility within the SDGs and the HLPF.
If you want to share what you are doing for water within the SDGs, please feel free to write to us in order to feature on this page :

The Global Water Partnership

The Global Water Partnership launched  the “#ActOnSDG6 campaign to speed up the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal on water, SDG 6 in March 2018. Check out the details of the operation here

French water stakeholders

Members of the French Water Partnership develop projects that directly contribute to SDGs. For more information and details on these projects, visit the Water Expertise France website :


Coming soon

The Comité 21

Comite 21, the main French network of actors for sustainable development studies the implication of civil society within the SDGs. Its 2018 report on the matter reuniting 80 organizations working on sustainable development will be available during the HLPF.  More information about the Comité 21 here


This French association, member of the FWP, carries out a number of action programs for water. They will be particularly involved in promoting “the water decade” of sustainable development with the launch of their “I stand up for water” campaign in September
Find out more about their actions here!



French Water Partnership tools on SDGs

Check out our political messages for the HLPF here

[NEW] “Acting for water in the Sustainable Development Goals – French solutions “ – is a practical guide adressed to a general audience presenting active solutions by French water stakeholders designed to reach the targets linked to water within the SDGs. 

 Check out all the FWP tools on the SDGs including technical publications, posters, videos, etc here