Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde
World Water Forum
Bali 2024

International workshop on urban wastewater management, 3 – 5 of November 2014

Update 2015-04-09

An international workshop focusing on urban wastewater management, will take place from the 3rd to 5th of November 2014, near Paris (City of Colombes).


It is organized by the Seine Normandy Water Agency, the SIAAP, ASTEE, PSEAU and the FWP.

This workshop will be a preparatory event for the  7th World Water Forum (Korea, 2015) and will contribute for a post-2015 “Water” goal.

The workshop will be related to these four fields : 


  1. Collection and evacuation of wastewater and excreta
  2. Wastewater treatment for protection of the environment and downstream uses
  3. Reuse of treated wastewater
  4. Use of by-products for agricultural and/or energy production purposes

For more details, please refer to the brochure you can download here.

