Committed to water for the world Engagés pour l’eau du monde
World Water Forum
Bali 2024

FWP members

Update 2015-09-10

Hygiene, especially hand washing with soap is one of the most simple and important actions offor health and human development. Hand washing is fundamental to fight agains malnutrition, reducing child mortality, overcome resistance to antibiotics, and advance access to education. Hygiene is therefore necessary to achieve the future Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and contribute significantly to gender equality, dignity and human rights.


Today, the PFE joined 90 other international organizations draw the attention of the United Nations on this issue. It is indeed necessary to ensure that an hygiene, an essential component of health and development, is supported by an indicator in the next Sustainable Development Goals.


However, while hygiene is mentioned with sanitation in the target 6.2 of the current draft of Sustainable Development Goals, it is neglected in Sustainable Development Indiators. This means that health will not be monitored on a global scale, which would fail to improve hygiene and reach the ambitions of the post-2015 Agenda. Given the huge role of hygiene in several areas of development, nearly 90 international companies, non-governmental organizations, and coalitions have signed a letter asking the United Nations Statistical Commission and the main Member States involved in the determination of indicators, to enable the hygiene plays an important role in the indicators.


Dans cette lettre (Disponible ici)  les co-signataires dont fait partie le PFE, affirment que si l’hygiène est négligée dans les objectifs de développement durable au niveau de l’indicateur, ce se fera au détriment des populations des plus pauvres et vulnérables.


Selon le Dr Layla McCay, Directeur du Partenariat public-privé pour le lavage des mains, “Ne pas inclure un indicateur obligatoire de d’hygiène glboal signifierait que les Objectifs de Développement Durable manqueront de tirer pleinement opportunité d’une occasion historique d’apporter une meilleure santé, éducation et possibilités économiques à des millions de personnes à travers le monde. Nous demandons à ceux qui sont impliqués dans la détermination des Objectifs de Développement Durable de ne pas laisser passer cette occasion sans agir “.