SEDIF (Drinking water service for the Greater Paris area)
Founded in 1923, SEDIF (Syndicat des Eaux d’Île-de-France) is thelargest public water utily in France covering 144 cities located on the outskirts of Paris. It supplies 4 million customers by distributing 800 000 m3 distributed per day.
SEDIF and its delegated provider, Veolia Eau d’Île-de-France, manage a consolidated budget of nearly €575 million excl. tax and develop leading-edge production and distribution technologies at three of the world’s highest-performance plants located along the major watercourses snaking across the Paris region (Seine, Marne and Oise rivers areas).
By investing up to €150 million excl. tax each year in its continuously-monitored facilities, SEDIF guarantees safe water in response to subscribers’ needs. Hundreds of analytical tests are taken along the watercourse, even at the consumer’s tap, to guarantee that SEDIF’s water is safe for users.