International Office for Water
The INTERNATIONAL OFFICE FOR WATER (IOW) is a non-profit-making Association under the French Law of July 1,1901, state approved by Decree on September 13, 1991.
Its objective is to gather public and private partners involved in water resources management and protection in France, Europe and in the world (bi- and multi-lateral cooperation organizations, ministries, water agencies, local communities, universities, engineering schools, research centers, land development companies, water suppliers and professionals, industrialists, professional associations, non governmental organizations) in order to set up a real partners’ network.
It now comprises 149 member organizations
Since its creation, the French National Water Training Centre (CNFME) has proposed training programmes that meet the objective of enhancing the skills of the staffs involved in the treatment, conservation and management of water resources, a resource that is increasingly sought for and more and more fragile.