The "Water is a right!" Campaign
Country of activity
Project description
In the run-up to the municipal elections and 10 years since the United Nations recognized human rights to water and sanitation, Water Coalition and more than 30 partners are launching the "Water is a Right!" Campaign. The goal? To mobilize local elected officials, the government and parliamentarians on persistent challenges of access to water and sanitation in France and around the world. France is committed at international level to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations and in particular to "guarantee universal access to water and the efficient management of water resources" (SDG n°6). However, the challenges remain immense! Today, in metropolitan France, 1.4 million people still do not have access to safe water and 7.5 million people do not benefit from adequate sanitation facilities. In the Overseas Departments and Territories, the figures are even more alarming.
4D, ACAD, Action contre la Faim, ADEDE, Architectes Sans Frontières, BlueEnergy, Coalition Eau, Coordination Eau Bien Commun, Coordination Eau Ile de France, Croix-Rouge française, Dynam'eau, EAST, Eau et Vie, Eau Vive, Emmaüs France, Fédération Nationale des SAMU sociaux, Fondation Danielle Mitterrand - France Libertés, Gret, HamapHumanitaire, Initiative Développement, Kynarou, Médecins du Monde, Morija, Réseau Foi & Justice Afrique Europe, Secours Islamique France, Secrétariat International de l’Eau – Solidarité Eau Europe, Solidarités International, Toilettes Du Monde, WECF France, Wikiwater
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Contribution to SDGs
Access to drinking water for all
Sustainable management of water uses
Integrated Water Management (IWRM)