ARCEAU Île-de-France
ARCEAU-IdF is a non-profit organization founded in April 2013 by several local communities and research laboratories from the Paris region. Its activity is mainly oriented towards the transfer of both scientific data and pioneering actions in the water sector. Unique in its structure, ARCEAU-IdF is a pluralist debate platform, connecting researchers, operators and elected officials.
ARCEAU-IdF’s project is based on three complementary axes:
- Transfer of scientific data: working groups, technical datasheets, guides, articles, PhD thesis’ dissemination, seminars, workshops, and conferences.
- Debate: critical thinking of daily practices and debate on public issues of the water sector.
- Networking and mediation: resembling all actors from the Paris area water sector.
ARCEAU-IdF addresses to:
- Local communities
- Individuals
- Research laboratories
- NGOs
- Companies & engineering offices