Association Innovation Citoyenne et Développement Durable – ICDD
ICDD was created in 2011 by a team of specialists in participatory innovation; we have been joined by dozens of members, innovators and ordinary citizens who are aware of the need today to face, without concession, the economic, ecological and social challenges that lie ahead.
Our vision The major challenges of our society cannot be met without taking into account and mobilizing the initiative and creativity capacities of the majority of citizens.
"Citizen innovation" has literally exploded in recent years (see A million quiet revolutions by Bénédict Manier, the Atlas of positive economy by J. Attali, the film Demain by Cyril Dion ...).
Our particular approach consists in selecting from thousands of initiatives, a hundred or so simple, powerful, inexpensive innovations that meet the most common citizen expectations, and then supporting them.