More Water for Sahel Initiative (MW4S)
Think and act collectively to put water at the service of peace and human development is the motto of MW4S Initiatiave launched early 2018. Its aim is to contribute to 1) the reduction of fragility by increasing water availability for communities living primarily in rural and arid areas of the Sahel and livestock, 2) promoting dynamics of change in the identification and management of water resources while capitalizing on recent scientific and technological progresses.
Concrete objectives are to :
- Contribute to rethink and reformulate the way water resources are identified and explored;
- enhance knowledge of groundwater resources, especially in arid zones, by taking advantage of the latest scientific and technological developments;
- Consolidate and optimize the exploration and management capabilities ;
- Coordinate an innovative coherent effort in education for the benefit of local stakeholders
- Raise the "Water Cooperation Quotient